IPA Global Fixed Book Price

Global Fixed Book Price Report 23rd May 2014 INTRODUCTION

The book sector welcomes more dialoguing on remote access to e-books through libraries (e-lending)

The book sector welcomes more dialoguing on remote access to e-books through libraries (e-lending)

John Mc Namee, président de la fédération européenne des libraires, remet son mandat

La fédération européenne et internationale des libraires a tenu son assemblée générale à Londres le vendredi 11 avril.

John Mc Namee, President of EBF steps down from EBF presidency

John Mc Namee who was first elected President of the European Booksellers Federation in 2005 and was re-elected for a second 3 year mandate in 2008, prolonged until 2013, stepped down from the position.

ICYB 2014 in Riga, Latvia: May 11th-16th, 2014 is organized by The Latvian Booksellers Association

This year Latvia is chosen to be the host country of ICYB, furthermore, this year Riga is also chosen by European Union as European Capital of Culture 2014.

The International Publishers Association calls on Europe to end VAT discrimination on e-books

With a European Commission expert group currently examining the best ways to tax the digital economy, IPA Secretary General Jens Bammel has called for VAT rates on e-books to be brought into line with physical books. 



German Minister of Culture Monika Grütters in favour of reduced VAT rates on e-books

Free translation of the press release issued yesterday by the German Minister of Culture about reduced VAT on e -books. Press release in German below.

Les auteurs d’Allemagne et de France engagés dans le marché numérique

Dans la continuité des accords franco-allemands réunissant les acteurs de l’édition, l’Union des écrivains allemands (Verband Deutscher Schrifsteller et la Société des Gens de Lettres font une déclaration commune, rappelant que « les auteurs sont à l’origine de l’offre de création lit