
The European & International Booksellers Federation- EIBF – is delighted that the Ecofin Council, at its meeting of 26 May, expressed its full support to the lines of action proposed by the Commission in its VAT Action Plan published on 7 April.

Booksellers have embraced the digital revolution and a growing number of booksellers are providing their customers with an e-book offer, on their home market, and increasingly across borders. “The Commitment of the Commission and the Council to reduce VAT compliance burdens for SME’s and micro SME’s, both within Member States and across borders is a real relief” said Fabian Paagman, co-President.

Added co-President Jean-Luc Treutenaere: “ A long battle is on the verge of being won: EIBF has always advocated that books should carry the same VAT rate, independently from their format and we welcome the fact that this is will soon become a reality for the those of the Member States which wish to do so.”

Co-President Kyra Dreher noted “By choosing to apply the principle of subsidiarity, and present a proposal for increased flexibility for Member States, the European decision makers are given a positive sign that the bookselling industry warmly welcomes.”

For further information please contact EIBF Director, Fran Dubruille
+32 475 40 32 34 or

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