
The European and International Booksellers Federation is excited to reveal new logo and branding, highlighting the organisation’s commitment to its members and the sector 

The European and International Booksellers Federation represents national booksellers associations in the European Union and worldwide. Through our members, we speak on behalf of more than 25,000 individual booksellers of all kinds, including independent, chains, specialised, online, and brick and mortar bookshops. 

We believe bookshops are an integral part of local communities, providing access to literature and culture, contributing to financial sustainability in their areas, and helping to improve reading outcomes for all.

At EIBF, we have a long history of representing booksellers and advocating for book-friendly policies to the benefit of readers and retailers.  We were first established in 1968 as GALC*, and we had many different identities over the years. We became EIBF in 2011, by merging two entities, European and International, Booksellers Federations together. We have had many different logos over the years, however, since 2011, the blue and yellow EIBF logo has been the core of our visual identity. 



Increased visibility in the digital age 

Since the launch of the current EIBF logo, we have experienced many technological changes. To ensure EIBF’s continuous visibility in this digital age, we developed a new EIBF look tailored to display and be used on digital screens, as well as working well in printed form. 

Our expanded colour palette brings together the blue and yellow we have been using for the past decade, while also introducing new colours to give our visual identity further depth. 


The voice of booksellers

Bookselling is a core part of our identity, as is ensuring long-term sustainability of the sector. To this end, we represent our members and their interests on a global platform, before the European institutions and other international organisations. Our mission is to further the interests of the bookselling industry, by ensuring that the voices of booksellers are heard in every relevant debate. Our new visual identity will enable us to highlight this important aspect. 

“Through our numerous member and partner organisations, EIBF represents the voice of many booksellers around the world. It’s important our visual identity reflects this position. With this new change, we are confident EIBF will go from strength to strength,” said EIBF co-Presidents Fabian Paagman and Jean-Luc Treutenaere. 

Groupement des associations de libraires de la C.E.E (Communauté économique européenne)

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