Creative Europe programme

At the start of September 2023, EIBF joined over 70 networks and organisations from across the cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSIs) in a Culture Action Europe-led letter to express our concern and disappointment by the proposed budget cuts of €40 million to the Creative Europe work programme 2024.

In the context of the annual budget procedure for 2024, The Council of the EU, which represents EU member states, has proposed to reduce the financial envelope of Creative Europe by €40 million. While such a budget cut will barely have any impact on the EU’s budget savings, it will significantly weaken the Creative Europe programme, the EU’s only funding envelope specifically dedicated to the European cultural sector and CCSIs.

In the letter, we strongly support the recent vote of the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) to increase the Creative Europe budget 2024 by €43 million and urge member states to align with this position and increase the budget of the programme instead of reducing it.

We will be monitoring the next steps at the Council level while continuing our efforts to involve all relevant parties and stakeholders to keep a strong funding stream for the cultural and creative sector through the Creative Europe programme.

Read the full letter attached.

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